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18/04/19 DRSWG urges motorists to drive safely every time you drive.

Easter Road Safety


The Donegal Road Safety Working Group is urging road users in Donegal to be vigilant and responsible over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend to avoid fatalities and serious injuries on our roads. The group are appealing to all road users to play their part in helping to ensure the safe use of our roads. It is critically important that everyone focuses on road safety, as statistics indicate that there is an increased risk of collisions during public holidays.


Brian O’Donnell, Road Safety Officer says, "With pleasant weather forecast for the weekend, longer daylight hours, pedestrians and cyclists are reminded always to wear reflective or fluorescent clothing which will help you to be seen from a distance and motorists also need to exercise care and be fully aware of vulnerable road users on the road.


“Road Safety continues to be a high priority for the Donegal Road Safety Working Group but sadly, there have been four fatalities on Donegal roads to date in 2019. Over the Easter holiday period many people will set out to visit family and friends, some making long journeys. Remember that everyone is in the same position as you, don’t get frustrated if you are stuck behind slow moving traffic, be patient and wait until it is safe and only overtake when it is safe to do so. With high traffic volumes on our roads driver fatigue can set in and motorists are urged where fatigue is setting in to pull over to a safe location and rest. “


“We want everyone to enjoy the Easter Bank Holiday weekend without fear of meeting a driver speeding, impaired on either drugs, alcohol or both. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs doesn’t just happen, it happens by choice and is an incredibly selfish and dangerous thing to do. Not only are you putting your own life at risk, you are also putting other lives at risk.


Over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend An Garda Síochána will place extra emphasis on the enforcement of the key lifesaver offences of driving while intoxicated, speeding, non-use of seatbelts and the use of mobile phones. The Garda campaign will involve extra high-visibility patrols, with an intensified schedule of checkpoints in both rural and town locations.



"We are appealing to motorists to slow down, never drive after drinking or taking drugs, always wear a seat belt, drive with greater care and attention and never use mobile phones while driving. On behalf of the DRSWG I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very safe and Happy Easter.  Let us continue to work together to make our roads safer".

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